Student News: 2011/2012

Our goals for the year continue on the same strong foundation that has been laid by Student Representatives of the past. We want to ensure the presence of a strong and student-centred voice in CSRF Executive decision-making. Improving the online and electronic nature and function of CSRF will continue to be a main focus (ie. online registration, student member networking, improvements to CSRF’s website, improving our Facebook page’s usability and traffic). We will also continue to foster and improve student involvement in CSRF activities and governance.

With these goals in mind, we have made a few adjustments to our Facebook group. If you are not already a member of the group, please note that to join you will now need to provide a brief reason for your interest in the group. This is meant to keep out spammers, not to deter interested students, researchers, academics, etc. Please do not hesitate to join us: or search Canadian Sex Research Forum.

One last message to our student members, current and future: if you have not paid your membership dues, or have yet to become a member, please consider doing so ASAP and before the end of the year. Not only will you benefit from a reduced membership rate if your renew before 2012 is upon us; BUT, your email address will be added to the student listserv ensuring that you have the opportunity to be involved in our new initiatives and updated on conference planning! Don’t hesitate, the benefits of a student membership are vast!