Student News from the 2012 Conference

Thank you to all the organizers and attendees (over 100!) of this year’s Annual Meeting in Ottawa. It was a lovely conference with excellent presentations and lots of social activities. Over twenty people attended the Student Dinner at Mambo Latino. Many new connections were made across research labs, schools, disciplines and topics!

Congratulations to Megan Sawatsky (University of Lethbridge) and Tonje Persson (Concordia University) the two best student presentations award winners and to Jackie Huberman (Queen's University) the best student poster award winner.

After two years on the Executive Council, Krystelle Shaughnessy is moving on from her role as our Senior Student Representative. She has been a strong advocate and voice for students on the Executive Council. Her dedication to this organization and fostering student involvement is commendable. She has worked hard to improve and modernize the processes in place at CSRF. We wish her all the best with the rest of her PhD!

Morag Yule was elected as the new Junior Student Representative at the student meeting at the Annual Conference. Morag is a second-year PhD student in clinical psychology at the University of British Columbia under the supervision of Dr. Lori Brotto. She has been conducting research in the area of female sexuality since 2005, with a focus on asexuality.

Nathan Lachowsky will be staying on another year, transition from Junior Student Representative into the Senior Student Representative role.