Halifax 2024

Oral Presentation Award

1st Place

Emma Drudge for “Thoroughly lacking”: New teachers’ training to provide comprehensive sexual health education

Data Blitz Award

1st Place - Tied

Justin Shimizu for Not tonight, I’ve got a headache: Associations between sexual rejection behaviours and sexual well-being among men and gender diverse individuals with Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder and their partners 

Trinda Penniston for Low sexual desire, or low desire for sex I don’t want? An examination of discrepancies in desired versus received sexual activities, and impact on sexual functioning

Poster Presentation Award

1st Place

Haeyoung Gideon Park for Partner (in)congruence in gender role attitudes and relationship satisfaction

Runners up

Naomi Cadieux for The interplay of partners' history of childhood trauma and sexual well-being in young couples

Robyn Cumben for Exploring sexuality after the death of a romantic partner.

4th Annual Michael Barrett CSRF Best Student Manuscript Award

The winner of the 4th annual Michael Barrett CSRF Best Student Manuscript Award, as chosen by the editors of CJHS, is Zoé Benoit, first author of “Doctors asked if we are sisters or friends”: Experiences of 2S/LGBTQIA+ couples in the context of medically assisted reproduction.