Waterloo 2022 Presenter Information
Individual Oral Presentations
The individual oral presentations are a brief 10-minute presentation. We recommend that your presentation be around 10 slides (1 per minute). There will be a few minutes for questions following your presentation from the audience.
Data Blitz Presentation
What is a Data Blitz Presentation?
A data blitz is a quick, concise presentation of research findings. Here, it will be 5 slides (and this includes your title slide!) presented in 5 minutes with 1 audience question. The purpose of a data blitz is to articulate your findings in a quick, insightful and clear manner. These concise and efficient talks are intended to grab the attention of the audience, convey key information, and allow for several presenters to share their ideas in a brief period of time. We want to hear about your latest, greatest, cutting-edge findings. Sample data blitz presentations here and here.
Tips for a Great Data Blitz Presentation
1. This is a quick presentation, so plan to highlight 1-2 key findings from your work. Data blitz presentations are about conveying the key message or the “sound bite” you want your audience to walk away in a short time.
2. Include only the essential information—that is, the information your audience needs to understand your key finding(s). You are not there to provide the detail required for them to reproduce your work, you're there to inspire them to search out your work and get excited about your findings.
3. Use large images and as little text as possible. Don't crowd and confuse with unnecessary information. The goal is not to cram information from a longer presentation into 5 slides.
4. Practice, practice, practice! This is true of any presentation, but 5 minutes is a really short time when presenting so you want to have it timed out perfectly (we WILL cut you off at 5 minutes). But, this is very important: make sure you go slow and steady and reduce the amount you say rather than rushing to try and cram more in.
Poster Presentation
Poster size is a maximum of 4 ft wide by 3 ft tall.
Supplies to attach posters to poster boards will be provided on site.
Tips for a Great Poster Presentation
Focus your message. What do you want the reader to know in a short amount of time?
Where possible, use images to convey your ideas, rather than words.
Use bullets and short phrases rather than long text, where possible.
Words and figures should be easy to read from 4 – 6 feet away. We suggest a minimum font size of 24pt for text and 32pt for headings. Larger is better. Use fonts that are clear and easy to read.
Choose colours that are visually appealing and offer appropriate contrast. Limit the number of different colours you use to ensure a consistent and clean layout.
Avoid blurry images. Ensure figures are of adequately high resolution.
Provide visual cues that guide the reader through your poster in the intended order.
Remain near your poster during your one hour allocated timeslot, without blocking it.
Prepare a 1 minute (maximum!) “elevator pitch” – a verbal summary – of your work. What would you tell someone about your study in an elevator if you only had a few moments before they got off at the top floor?
Open Science
This year CSRF will be officially encouraging all presenters to provide open access to their poster or oral presentation material online via the Open Science Framework Meetings platform. We have setup a specific page for the CSRF 2022 Annual Meeting (https://osf.io/meetings/CSRF2022) and we encourage all presenters to share their materials here once they are prepared. This is a great way to promote and publicize your work, particularly when coupled with social media. Please help us as we improve our engagement with technology and in being able to promote the great research and researchers at our Annual Meeting.
Technology Requirements
CSRF will provide an LCD projector and organizational laptop for each session. Presenters will not be permitted to use their own laptop in order to facilitate smooth and quick transitions between presentations. All presentations should use standard slide size and not include font sizes smaller than 24 point (ideally use 32 or larger). Presenter view will be available during your talk.
Any other technology or presentation requirements should be discussed as soon as possible with the Program Committee Chair, Lucia O’Sullivan at osulliv@unb.ca.