The 2022 CSRF Annual Meeting: Waterloo, ON
Our deepest thanks to the scientific program committee, local hosts, invited speakers, volunteers, executive members, presenters, and attendees for their part in making Waterloo 2022 enriching, welcoming, and memorable!
CSRF in Waterloo, Ontario!
Join us for the long-awaited in-person CSRF Annual Conference in Waterloo, October 13-15.
We are anticipating an amazing conference this year. Program details are posted in the “Program” link above. The website will be updated as we confirm more events and details.
Conference Hotel
The conference will be held this year at the Delta Waterloo! (110 Erb Street West, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 0C6)
The conference hotel is now fully booked, but you can see other options nearby, and within walking distance of light rail transport, by clicking here, or selecting ‘Hotel Options’ in the header above.
Conference Travel Information
Air Canada is the Official Canadian Airline for the Conference. For more information about discounts from Air Canada and other travel information, click ‘Travel Information’ above or click here.
Registration Rates
Registration will be opening soon!
Rates will be as follows
Full: member $395
Full: non-member $495
Associate/retiree: member $295
Associate/retiree: nonmember $340
Student: member $245
Student: non-member$295
What is included in your registration fee?
Outstanding Plenaries:
Dr Ciann Wilson
Sex and Sexual Health at the Intersections (Dr. Ciann Wilson)
Dr Samantha Joel
Emerging Evidence of a Progression Bias in Romantic Relationships (Dr. Samantha Joel)
Dr Justin Garcia
CSRF After Dark is an annual tradition at CSRF where we offer a less formal, more experiential learning session about sexuality. This year, we have Dr. Justin Garcia, Director of the renown Kinsey Institute, to give us intriguing insights and hot tips on where the field is going! Join us for appetizers and a drink (a cash bar will be available), laughs and banter.
Oktoberfest Social Event
The local programming committee is excited to welcome you to Waterloo, Ontario, for our first in-person CSRF meeting in 3 years! As you may know, Oktoberfest is an annual event in Kitchener/Waterloo – and Canada’s largest Barvarian Festival. Oktoberfest is known for “Festhallen” (festival halls) hosting cultural events, including German food, bands, and dancers. We are excited that CSRF coincides with Oktoberfest so that we could share this unique experience with all of you!
We have planned for an Oktoberfest social event on Thursday, October 13th (6:30pm onwards) at The Concordia Club. Thursday is “Corporate Night.” In the tradition of CSRF group dinner, we have secured reserved tables for our CSRF attendees to enjoy the event together (your entry fee is covered!). The hall has multiple concession stands with food and drink for purchase. There will be a live band later in the evening, along with a traditional show performed by our Oktoberfest dancers – a must-see!
Plus -
A symposium on Sexual Norms across Porn, Fantasy, and In-person Sexuality
19 Oral Presentations and 32 data blitz talks with extended Q & A periods with the presenters
A poster session and an opening reception on Thursday; a cash bar will be available during the poster session to toast seeing each other in-person again!
Breakfast and coffee breaks each day and lunch on Thursday and Saturday
A student-faculty networking opportunity (with box lunches provided) on Saturday
Two and a half days of updates in sex research (we take Friday afternoon off for socializing, networking, fun)
CSRF awards for service, contributions, and excellence in research presentation
Important Information
We request that all attendees remain masked, preferably using a 3-ply or N95 mask, while not actively eating or drinking throughout all conference events. Please see here for more information about the hotel and CSRF precautions to minimize COVID 19 transmission at Waterloo.