CSRF 2015-2017 Executive Committee - Under Construction


Dr. Lori Brotto, President 

Lori Brotto is Associate Professor in the UBC Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Head of the Division of Gynaecologic Specialties, as well as a Registered Psychologist in Vancouver.  She is the director of the UBC Sexual Health Laboratory where research primarily focuses on developing and testing mindfulness-based as well as multidisciplinary interventions for women with sexual desire and arousal difficulties and women with chronic genital pain.  Other major lines of research include reproductive health in ethnic minority women, hormone-stress interactions in sexual desire, asexuality, and sexuality after cancer. Dr Brotto is the Associate Editor for Archives of Sexual Behavior and Sexual and Relationship Therapy, and was a workgroup member for the DSM-5 Sexual Dysfunctions group. She is involved in a variety of public outreach projects funded by CIHR to engage the public in knowledge of women’s sexual health and gynaecologic issues and is passionate about Knowledge Translation.


Dr. Martin Lalumière, Past President

Dr. Lalumière is Professor in the School of Psychology at the University of Ottawa. He teaches courses in forensic psychology, abnormal psychology, evolutionary psychology, and clinical research. Dr. Lalumière's current research focuses on sex differences in sexual arousal patterns, hypersexuality, and the origins of atypical sexual preferences. Dr. Lalumière was born in Ville-d'Anjou (now part of Montréal) and grew up in St-Alphonse-Rodriguez, near Joliette. He studied at the Université de Montréal (1989 BSc, 1990 MPs) and Queen's University (1995 PhD). Before arriving in Ottawa in January 2013, he taught at the University of Lethbridge (2004-2012), was Research Psychologist at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto (1997-2004), and Research Psychologist at the Mental Health Centre in Penetanguishene (1996-1997).


Dr. Jonathan Huber, President-Elect  

Jonathan Huber is an Ottawa-based Obstetrician/Gynecologist. He received his MD from Queen's University in 2006 and completed his residency there in 2011. His current clinical interests include issues in sexual medicine such as dyspareunia, disorders of sexual interest and arousal, and vulvar dermatology. Prior to medical school, Jonathan received his Master of Science in Family Relations and Human Development (Human Sexuality) from the University of Guelph under the supervision of Edward S. Herold, Ph.D. He has been a member of CSRF since 1999. Jonathan also sits on the Board of Directors of Planned Parenthood Ottawa.

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Dr. Jocelyn Wentland, Secretary



Dr. Nathan Lachowsky, Treasurer

Nathan Lachowsky is a postdoctoral fellow in the Division of AIDS, Faculty of Medicine at the University of British Columbia as well as through the Division of Epidemiology and Population Health at the British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS. He also currently holds a Junior Investigator Development Award from the Ontario HIV Treatment Network in the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work at the University of Toronto. In June 2014, Nathan completed his PhD of epidemiology from the Department of Population Medicine at the University of Guelph. While fundamentally trained as an epidemiologist, he conducts interdisciplinary research within a social justice framework in order to achieve health equity. Nathan’s research foci include sexual and gender minorities, sexual health, youths, indigenous and ethnoracialized communities, HIV/AIDS prevention, and mobile health. He has experience leading community-based research with gay, bisexual, two-spirit, and takataapui men in Canada and Aotearoa New Zealand, including work with indigenous and ethnoracialized communities.


Dr. Lisa Dawn Hamilton, Executive Director

Lisa Dawn Hamilton is an assistant professor in Psychology at Mount Allison University in Sackville, NB. She received her BA in Psychology from Simon Fraser University, followed by an MA and PhD specializing in Behavioral Neuroscience from the University of Texas at Austin. Her current research interests fall in three distinct areas: the effects of stress on sexual arousal and desire, monogamy/nonmonogamy, and sex-positive sex education. Lisa Dawn has been a member of CSRF since she moved back to Canada in 2010.


Drake Levere, Student Representative, Senior

Chelsea Kilimnik completed her honours BA at the University of Winnipeg under the supervision of Dr. Paul Trapnell. She completed her MSc in Health Psychology at Trent University under the supervision of Dr. Terry Humphreys and is currently completing her doctoral studies in Clinical Psychology at the University of Texas at Austin working with Dr. Cindy Meston. Chelsea has been involved in the field of sexuality science since 2009. Her previous research has focused on the cognitive and affective appraisals of sexuality in individuals who have had non-consensual sexual experiences (NSEs), the subjective use of language in identifying NSEs, and sexual consent and boundary setting. 


Stéphanie Gauvin, Student Representative, Junior 

Drake Levere completed his Honours BA at the University of Ottawa under the supervision of Dr. Celine Blanchard in June 2015. He is presenting two posters at CPA in June 2015 on gender differences within a competitive, socially-reliant environment. Additionally, Drake has been working alongside Dr. Jocelyn Wentland at the University of Ottawa since the summer of 2014 as a member of the Sex and Relationship Research (SRR) group. Their projects examine safer sex practices during the first sexual encounter with an individual’s most recent sex partner, a qualitative analysis of modern dating, and the stigma associated with online dating application use. Currently, Drake is working alongside Raymond McKie on a project within the prison system that examines sexual consent, understanding and negotiating boundaries among convicted sex offenders.  

CSRF Committees  

Membership Committee:  Martin Lalumière (Past-President), Jocelyn Wentland (Secretary) & Lisa Dawn Hamilton (Executive Director)

Nominations Committee: Martin Lalumière (Past-President), Chelsea Kilimnik (Senior Student Representative), & TBD (Member at Large)

WAS Liaison: Lisa Dawn Hamilton (Executive Director)

Listserv Owner / Maintenance:  Sandra Byers (Member at Large)

Awards Committee: Lori Brotto (President), Drake Levere (Senior Student Representative) and two members at large. 

CSRF Newsletter Editor 2013 - 2015

Lindsay Coome

The CSRF Newsletter is released twice a year but contributions are taken year-round! If you have an update you would like your fellow CSRF members to know about, please make sure to email them to us. Examples include new articles or books you have authored/edited, conference announcements, changes in your employment or student status, additions to your family, or other wonderful things that have happened to you! Keep CSRF posted

CSRF Website Maintenance & Design

Karen Blair & Lisa Dawn Hamilton  

If you experience any technical problems with the website or have any suggestions for content, please send an email to Lisa Dawn Hamilton