CSRF 2017-2019 Executive Committee
Dr. Jonathan Huber, President
Jonathan Huber is an Ottawa-based Obstetrician/Gynecologist. He received his MD from Queen's University in 2006 and completed his residency there in 2011. His current clinical interests include issues in sexual medicine such as dyspareunia, disorders of sexual interest and arousal, and vulvar dermatology. Prior to medical school, Jonathan received his Master of Science in Family Relations and Human Development (Human Sexuality) from the University of Guelph under the supervision of Edward S. Herold, Ph.D. He has been a member of CSRF since 1999.
Dr. Lori Brotto, Past President
Lori Brotto is a Full Professor in the UBC Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Executive Director for the Women's Health Research Institute, as well as a Registered Psychologist in Vancouver. She is the director of the UBC Sexual Health Laboratory where research primarily focuses on developing and testing mindfulness-based as well as multidisciplinary interventions for women with sexual desire and arousal difficulties and women with chronic genital pain. Other major lines of research include reproductive health in ethnic minority women, hormone-stress interactions in sexual desire, asexuality, and sexuality after cancer. Dr Brotto is the Associate Editor for Archives of Sexual Behavior and Sexual and Relationship Therapy, and was a workgroup member for the DSM-5 Sexual Dysfunctions group. She is involved in a variety of public outreach projects funded by CIHR to engage the public in knowledge of women’s sexual health and gynaecologic issues and is passionate about Knowledge Translation.
Dr. Nathan Lachowsky, President-Elect
Nathan is an Assistant Professor in the School of Public Health and Social Policy and Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research Scholar at the University of Victoria. Championing interdisciplinary and community-based approaches, he has conducted HIV and sexual health research with gay, bisexual and queer cis and trans men, including indigenous men across Canada and New Zealand. Nathan’s principal area of research focuses on social and behavioural epidemiology and the importance of developing and analyzing public health data to inform public health practice, health service provision, and policy. While fundamentally trained as an epidemiologist, he conducts interdisciplinary research within a social justice framework in order to achieve health equity for marginalized communities. Nathan’s research foci include sexual and gender minority populations, sexual health, youth, indigenous and ethnoracialized communities, and HIV/AIDS. Nathan has volunteered with HIV/AIDS and LGTBQ community organizations for over a decade and currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Health Initiative for Men and as Research Director of the Community-Based Centre for Gay Men's Health.
Dr. Jocelyn Wentland, Secretary
Jocelyn Wentland is an adjunct professor at the University of British Columbia – Okanagan and a Research Associate with the Sex Information and Education Council of Canada (SIECCAN). Jocelyn received her MSc from the University of Guelph and her PhD from the University of Ottawa. Her current research interests include modern sexual relationships (online/smartphone dating apps, the use of emojis in dating/sexual communication). Jocelyn has been a member of CSRF since 2004.
Samantha Dawson, Treasurer
Samantha Dawson is a PhD Candidate in the Clinical Psychology program at Queen’s University. She is currently completing her doctoral residency at the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre. She received her undergraduate (B.A. Honours, Psychology) and graduate (M.Sc., Psychology) degrees from the University of Lethbridge, under the supervision of Dr. Martin Lalumière. Her research program seeks to understand gendered sexuality through investigating processes and mechanisms underlying sexual arousal, desire, and behaviour. To do so, she uses state-of-the-art methodologies, often concurrently, to elucidate the components and processes necessary to activate and regulate the sexual response system.
Larry Brockman, Executive Director
Melissa Fuller, Student Representative, Senior
Melissa is a Master's candidate in Sexology (Research and Intervention) at l'Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM) under the supervision of Dr. Marie-Aude Boislard. Her Master's thesis explores the psychosexual trajectories of emerging adult female virgins and is part of Project DiverJe (DIVERsité des TraJEctoires d'adultes vierges). She is completing a research stage examining media representations of female virgins on popular television shows, with a focus on depictions of disclosure. Melissa is also a full-spectrum doula in Montreal and a founding organizer of the Montreal Abortion Access Project (MAAP).
Kathleen Merwin, Student Representative, Junior
Kat is a Ph.D. student in the Clinical Psychology program at Dalhousie University (Halifax, Nova Scotia), working under the supervision of Dr. Natalie O. Rosen in the Couples and Sexual Health Lab (CaSH Lab). She received a B.Sc. (Honours) in Psychology from Queen’s University. Her PhD research focuses on verbal sexual communication that occurs during sexual activity and how it is associated with the sexual and relationship well-being of couples. Her other research interests include sexual self-disclosures, sexual and gender minority populations, and sexual script theory. Kat has been a member of CSRF since 2016.
CSRF Committees
Membership Committee: Lori Brotto (Past-President), Jocelyn Wentland (Secretary) & Lisa Dawn Hamilton (Executive Director)
Nominations Committee: Lori Brotto (Past-President), Melissa Fuller (Senior Student Representative), & Alex MacKay (Member at Large)
WAS & NAFSO Liaison: Lori Brotto (Past-President)
Listserv Owner / Maintenance: Sandra Byers (Member at Large)
Awards Committee: Lori Brotto (Past-President) Melissa Fuller (Senior Student Representative) + Two additional members
CSRF Newsletter
CSRF Website Maintenance & Design
Karen Blair & Lisa Dawn Hamilton
If you experience any technical problems with the website or have any suggestions for content, please send an email to Lisa Dawn Hamilton.