CSRF 2020
October 15&16
“Registration for the CSRF 2020 meeting has now closed. If you are still trying to register, please contact Natalie Rosen at nrosen@dal.ca .
This year's conference will take place Online, with support from Eventstream.
To view or download the Abstract Summary Booklet click HERE
In summary the draft conference program includes:
· Two days of academic content
· Four outstanding plenaries covering timely topics: Sex, Media and COVID-19 (Dr. Nicola Doering), Viruses and Black-Sex-Life (Dr. Rinaldo Walcott), TBD (Dr. Brian Mustanski) and Exploring Biases in Sex Research, Education and Therapy (Rahim Thawer)
· Two terrific symposium and Q & A periods with the authors of 25 data blitzes
· Two poster sessions hosted on a virtual platform that will closely resemble the experience of in-person poster sessions.
· A faculty-student networking event
· Virtual coffee breaks each day hosted on a virtual platform that will easily enable “bumping into” new and old friends at CSRF
· A student-oriented workshop (Oct. 17): R and R-Studio for Data Management, Visualization, and Modeling in Psychological Research. Presented by John Sakaluk, Ph.D.
To view or download the complete Program click here.
Registration details
If you are presenting at CSRF this year, you must register by September 15, 2020.
Online Conference rates are compared with in person meetings below. To register for the 2020 CSRF Annual Meeting, select the “conference” menu item and click “CSRF 2020 Conference Registration”. A new page will open. Click on the “REGISTRATION” button at the bottom of the page. Select your Membership type and “ADD TO CART”. You will be able to complete your registration form at that time. Simply type N/A in any box that does not apply to the Online Event (Food and Accommodation items). Due to delays caused by the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic there will be no early bird registration.
Registration categories are based on membership status (student, affiliate, full-member, non-member). If you have not yet renewed your CSRF membership for 2020, you must pay your annual membership dues in order to be eligible for the discounted registration rates. Click Here to renew your CSRF Membership for 2020.
Regarding registration fees, we thought the information below might be helpful for understanding the costs associated with this years’ virtual meeting.
Typical registration for in-person meetings Registration for virtual meeting
Full: Member $395 $150
Full: Non-member $495 $225
Associate/retiree: member $295 $100
Associate/retiree: non-member $340 $150
Student: member $245 $50
Why is the cost so much lower for the virtual meeting?
· We were able to negotiate a deferral of our conference hotel contract at the Delta Waterloo to October 14-16, 2021. Therefore, there are no fees associated with cancelling the in-person meeting for 2020.
· There are no costs of food and drink.
· There is no subsidizing of the social events typically held at the meeting.
What is the virtual conference fee being used for?
· Honorariums for plenary speakers
· Cost of social networking platform to ensure ample opportunities for interaction with other attendees (gather.town)
· Post-conference statistics workshop for students on using R (no additional fee for students)
· Subsidizing student registrations where cost is a barrier to attendance, with particular priority to BIPOC students
· Virtual conference organizer (Eventstream) to manage technical aspects of the conference and ensure smooth delivery of the program
· Cost of the abstract management online system
· Cost of the virtual platform to host the meeting (Zoom)
Registration categories are based on membership status (student, affiliate, full-member, non-member). If you have not yet renewed your CSRF membership for 2020, you must pay your annual membership dues in order to be eligible for the discounted registration rates. Click Here to renew your CSRF Membership for 2020.